Cast and Crew of Empire of Dirt

Cast of
Empire of Dirt

About Empire of Dirt

  • Released on November 22, 2013
  • Drama

Like many Native families, Lena Mahikan grew up in the cycle of abuse. Her father, a residential school survivor, was an alcoholic until he killed himself when Lena was 10. Her mother, only 14 years her senior, turned to the slots. By the time Lena was 15, she was pregnant and, before giving birth, was kicked to the curb by her mom. The cycle continues and Lena is now watching helplessly as her own daughter, Peeka, spirals out of control, landing herself in the hospital following a drug overdose. As a final attempt at survival, Lena decides to return home and face her own mother and a past she’s desperate to escape.

Full Cast of Empire of Dirt

Cara Gee
plays Lena Mahikan

Shay Eyre
plays Peeka Mahikan

Jennifer Podemski
plays Minnie Mahikan

Luke Kirby
plays Russell Carter

Luke Kirby as Russell Carter

Luke Kirby (born June 29, 1978) is an American-Canadian actor.

See Luke Kirby's other roles

Jordan Prentice
plays Warren Fensky

Michael Cram
plays Doc Baker

Michael Cram as Doc Baker

Actor / Performer.

See Michael Cram's other roles

Kate Corbett
plays Wendy

Barbara Gordon
plays Mrs. Armstrong

Jean Yoon
plays Tess

Shannon Kook
plays Angel

Jaiden Mitchell
plays Little Wing

Doug Bedard
plays Doug

Tonya Williams
plays Sandra

Raoul Bhaneja
plays Dr. Gaffney

Raoul Bhaneja as Dr. Gaffney

Raoul Bhaneja was born on June 6, 1974 and is currently 50 years old.

See Raoul Bhaneja's other roles

Joris Jarsky
plays Neil

Joris Jarsky as Neil

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Joris Jarsky (born December 3, 1974), also known as Joris Jorsky, is a Canadia...

See Joris Jarsky's other roles

Sarah Manninen
plays Anna

Sarah Manninen as Anna

Graduate of George Brown Theatre School.

See Sarah Manninen's other roles

Lawrence Bayne
plays Uncle Hank

Sarah Podemski
plays Charmaine

Tony Nappo
plays Fisherman

Crew of Empire of Dirt

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