The captivating story of "Edward" revolves around the life of its titular character, played by the talented Bill Sage. Edward is an AI scientist, a man of intellect and curiosity, who finds himself in the midst of a moral dilemma. His creation, a program designed with the intention of advancing technology and improving human life, has been co-opted for a far more sinister purpose.
The supporting cast is equally impressive, with Lorraine Farris portraying a significant yet unnamed role. Her character adds depth and complexity to the narrative, providing a counterpoint to Edward's internal struggles. The dynamics between these characters create a rich tapestry of emotions and ethical quandaries that keep viewers engaged and invested.
As the plot unfolds, Edward is faced with a harsh reality. His groundbreaking program, once a symbol of hope and progress, has been weaponized by the military. The consequences are devastating, leading to numerous casualties. This revelation sends Edward on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, as he grapples with the unintended consequences of his work and seeks to make amends. The film's exploration of the ethical implications of AI and the responsibility of scientists makes it a thought-provoking watch.