Cast of
Drying Up the Streets

About Drying Up the Streets

  • Released on August 26, 1978
  • Drama

An ex-junkie takes on seedy urban culture to try and locate his daughter.

Full Cast of Drying Up the Streets

Don Francks
plays Peter Brennan

Sarah Torgov
plays Annie

Len Cariou
plays Larry

Len Cariou as Larry

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Leonard Joseph “Len” Cariou (born September 30, 1939) is a Canadian actor, be...

See Len Cariou's other roles

Calvin Butler
plays Jim

August Schellenberg
plays Nick

August Schellenberg as Nick

August Werner Schellenberg (July 25, 1936 – August 15, 2013) was a Canadian actor. He played Randolph in the first th...

See August Schellenberg's other roles

Jayne Eastwood
plays Sheila

Crew of Drying Up the Streets

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