In South Dakota, in an Indian reservation, an old storyteller Indian asks his grandson Shane, who is in trouble owing money to some bad guys, to take his old pony and him to Albuquerque to the great powwow, an Indian meeting. While traveling, Grandpa tells mysterious Indian tales of love, friendship and magic.
August Werner Schellenberg (July 25, 1936 – August 15, 2013) was a Canadian actor. He played Randolph in the first th...
Eddie Spears is an actor. He is a member of the Kul Wicasa Oyate Lakota (often called "Sioux") Lower Brulé Sioux Trib...
Michael Greyeyes is an actor, dance artist, choreographer and writer.
Scott Grimes (born July 9, 1971) is an American actor, voice artist and musician. Some of his most prominent roles ar...
Nathaniel Arcand (born November 13, 1971) is a Canadian actor and is Nēhilawē (Plains Cree), from the Alexander First...