Cast of
Don't Get Killed In Alaska

About Don't Get Killed In Alaska

  • Released on November 07, 2014
  • Drama

DON'T GET KILLED IN ALASKA follows Liney (LEE-NEE) a 20 year-old tomboy as she travels back to Ontario with her new boyfriend Dan after a summer of tree planting. Having lost all their money in a questionable incident, Liney agrees to ask her family for money to get them both to Alaska where they plan to spend the winter working on a fishing boat. Liney is forced to deal with her family dynamics as she meets with her estranged mother, her judgmental older brother and her silent father. Everyone has a plan for Liney, except for Liney.

Full Cast of Don't Get Killed In Alaska

Tommie-Amber Pirie
plays Liney

Oliver Dennis
plays Lorne

Rosemary Dunsmore
plays Jan

Rosemary Dunsmore as Jan

Rosemary Dunsmore is a Canadian stage, film and television actress and director, best known for playing Aunt Abigail ...

See Rosemary Dunsmore's other roles

Ben Lewis
plays Dan

John Nelles
plays News Reporter / Evan

Crew of Don't Get Killed In Alaska

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