3% Körperfett. 1% Hirnaktivität.
Derek Zoolander hat es dreimal zum VH1-Model des Jahres gebracht. Als Hansel den Preis abräumt, steht Zoolanders Welt plötzlich Kopf. Mit dem zusätzlichen Verlust seiner Freunde und der Enttäuschung seines Vaters über sein Model-Leben verliert er zunehmend das Vertrauen in sich selbst. Dann taucht der Modeguru Mugato auf und bietet dem hilflosen Zoolander einen Job an. Der ist Feuer und Flamme und glaubt sein Leben wieder in Ordnung, bis er feststellt, dass er einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen wurde, um ein Attentat auszuführen. Es geht darum, bei einer Fashion-Show den malaiischen Premierminister zu eliminieren, der mit einem angestrebten Verbot von Kinderarbeit in seinem Land die internationale Modebranche gefährdet. Die Enthüllungsjournalistin Matilda Jeffries ist Mugato jedoch dabei, ihm das Handwerk zu legen ...
Gesamte Besetzung von Zoolander
Ben Stiller
Derek Zoolander
Ben Stiller's portrayal of Derek Zoolander in the 2001 cult comedy film "Zoolander" is a masterclass in physical comedy and character acting. Stiller brings to life the absurdly self-absorbed male model with an endearing blend of obliviousness and vulnerability. His commitment to the role is evident in every exaggerated pout and Blue Steel gaze, as he embodies the character's dimwitted charm and unexpected depth. Derek Zoolander, despite his comical vanity, is a character that audiences can't help but root for, thanks to Stiller's ability to balance satire with heartfelt moments. His timing, whether delivering Zoolander's nonsensical one-liners or reacting to the film's outlandish plot twists, is impeccable, making the character an unforgettable icon of pop culture. Stiller's performance is not just a highlight of the film but a testament to his comedic talent and willingness to fully immerse himself in the ridiculous world of male modeling.
Owen Wilson's portrayal of Hansel McDonald in the 2001 comedy "Zoolander" is a memorable one, as he brings to life the laid-back, effortlessly cool surfer-turned-male-model who becomes the unlikely friend and rival to Ben Stiller's titular character, Derek Zoolander. With his characteristic drawl and affable charm, Wilson's Hansel serves as the perfect foil to Zoolander's narcissistic denseness. Hansel's free-spirited nature and surprising depth—including a touching backstory involving his mother—add layers to what could have been a one-dimensional role, providing both comic relief and a touch of heart to the film. Wilson's chemistry with Stiller is a highlight, as their characters evolve from bitter competitors to allies against the nefarious Mugatu, played by Will Ferrell. His performance is a blend of deadpan delivery and nuanced emotion, making Hansel a standout character in a film filled with eccentric personalities. Owen Wilson's portrayal is not just comedic; it's a testament to his ability to create a lovable and enduring character within the absurd world of "Zoolander."
Will Ferrell delivered an iconic and memorably over-the-top performance as the villainous fashion designer Jacobim Mugatu in the 2001 comedy "Zoolander." His portrayal of the eccentric and malevolent character, who schemes to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia to protect the child labor-fueled profits of the fashion industry, is a masterclass in comedic timing and physical humor. Ferrell's Mugatu, with his bizarre, two-toned hairdo and outrageous outfits, embodies the absurdity of the fashion world, perfectly complementing the film's satirical edge. His interactions with Ben Stiller's character, Derek Zoolander, are particularly noteworthy, as he expertly plays the straight man to Ferrell's wildly flamboyant Mugatu, creating some of the most quotable and hilarious scenes in the film. Ferrell's commitment to the role, along with his impeccable delivery of lines like "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" and "Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty," has solidified Mugatu as one of his most beloved and recognized characters, contributing significantly to the enduring cult status of "Zoolander."
Milla Jovovich brought a captivating presence to the screen as Katinka Ingabogovinanana, the mysterious and enigmatic love interest of Derek Zoolander in the comedic satire "Zoolander." Her portrayal of Katinka is a blend of icy sophistication and unexpected depth, as she navigates the absurdities of the fashion world alongside Ben Stiller's titular character. Jovovich's performance is highlighted by her ability to deliver deadpan humor with a straight face, all while maintaining an undercurrent of warmth that endears Katinka to the audience. Despite the film's exaggerated caricatures, Milla's character avoids becoming a mere trope, thanks to her nuanced portrayal that balances the film's silliness with genuine emotion. Her chemistry with Stiller is a standout feature, providing the film with some of its most memorable and hilarious moments, while also grounding the outlandish plot in a semblance of reality. Milla Jovovich's Katinka is not just a model in the world of "Zoolander;" she is a highlight of the film's ensemble, showcasing the actress's comedic timing and range beyond her action-star persona.
David Duchovny
J.P. Prewitt
David William Duchovny (geboren am 07. August 1960 in New York, USA) ist ein us-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Autor...
Jon Voight
Larry Zoolander
Jonathan Vincent „Jon“ Voight (* 29. Dezember 1938) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Er erhielt einen Oscar...
Paris Whitney Hilton ist ein amerikanisches Model, Sängerin, Schauspielerin und Designerin. Sie ist die Urenkelin...
James Marsden
John Wilkes Booth
Marsden wuchs in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, auf. Seine Eltern ließen sich scheiden, als er neun Jahre alt war. Marsden...
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