Die junge Miranda leidet aufgrund einer vergangenen Tragödie unter akuten Angststörungen. Doch nun wird sie mit einer neuen Angst konfrontiert: Ein durchgedrehter Serienmörder hat sie als sein neues Opfer bestimmt. In einer brutalen Jagd durch den Wald muss Miranda all ihre Kräfte sammeln, um ihrem mörderischen Verfolger zu entkommen...
Gesamte Besetzung von You Can't Run Forever
J.K. Simmons delivers a captivating performance as Wade in "You Can't Run Forever," expertly portraying the complex character with a perfect blend of intensity and vulnerability. His dynamic presence on screen creates a magnetic experience for viewers as they witness Wade's emotional journey. Simmons' versatile acting abilities are on full display in this film, as he effectively conveys the character's internal struggles and moral dilemmas, leaving audiences wanting to see more of his incredible talent.
Graham Patrick Martin
Deputy Dwyer
In the gripping movie 'You Can't Run Forever', Graham Patrick Martin delivers a captivating performance as Deputy Dwyer, a young officer grappling with his role in the turbulent dynamics of law enforcement. Martin's portrayal is both nuanced and impactful, showcasing his character's internal struggles with morality and duty alongside the raw physicality demanded by the action-packed narrative. His on-screen chemistry with his seasoned co-stars adds depth to the intricate relationships that define this complex thriller. Overall, Martin's performance is a testament to his talent, effectively immersing viewers in the riveting world of Deputy Dwyer.