Besetzung und Crew von Whiplash


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Der 19-jährige Andrew Neiman ist ein begnadeter Schlagzeuger. In einer der renommiertesten Musikschulen des Landes wird er vom Dirigenten Terence Fletcher unter die Fittiche genommen. Der bekannte Bandleader fördert den jungen Drummer, aber er fordert ihn noch mehr: Mit rabiaten Unterrichtsmethoden, die immer mehr zu Gewaltexzessen ausarten, will er Andrew zu Höchstleistungen treiben und führt ihn an seine physischen und emotionalen Grenzen. Der Nachwuchsmusiker stellt sich der Tortur, denn es ist sein sehnlichster Wunsch, einer der größten Schlagzeuger der Welt zu werden. Während sein besorgter Vater Jim immer mehr an den Methoden und den Absichten des Lehrers zweifelt, hält Andrew hartnäckig durch. Doch wieviel mehr kann der Teenager noch ertragen?

Gesamte Besetzung von Whiplash

Miles Teller as Andrew

Miles Teller

Miles Teller delivers a riveting performance as Andrew Neiman in the movie 'Whiplash'. His portrayal of a young, ambitious jazz drummer is both intense and nuanced, as he navigates the cutthroat world of competitive music. Teller's dedication to the role is evident in his physical transformation, as he spent months learning to play the drums with remarkable proficiency. His emotional range is equally impressive, capturing the exhilaration of success, the agony of failure, and the relentless drive to be the best. Teller's performance is a testament to his talent and commitment, making Andrew Neiman a character that is both captivating and unforgettable.
J.K. Simmons as Fletcher

J.K. Simmons

J.K. Simmons delivers a tour-de-force performance as Terence Fletcher in 'Whiplash', a demanding and ruthless music instructor who pushes his students to the brink of their abilities. Simmons' portrayal of Fletcher is both terrifying and captivating, as he seamlessly switches between a charismatic and inspiring mentor to a cruel and abusive taskmaster. His performance earned him the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, and rightfully so, as he brings a level of intensity and complexity to the character that is truly unforgettable.
Paul Reiser as Jim

Paul Reiser

Paul Reiser delivers a noteworthy performance as Jim Neiman in the movie 'Whiplash'. His character, a successful and influential jazz club owner, adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. Reiser's portrayal is nuanced, balancing the character's business acumen with his genuine love for music. His interactions with the protagonist, Andrew, highlight the harsh realities of the music industry and the sacrifices required to succeed. Reiser's performance is a testament to his acting skills, making Jim Neiman a memorable character in the film.