Eine junge Mutter tötet einen Fremden in einem Anfall von unerklärlicher Wut. Ein neugieriger Detektiv besessen von dem Fall und versucht, dem wahren Motiv hinter der Tat auf den Grund zu gehen. Corta Tanner begeht in einem gewaltigen, unkontrollierten Wutanfall eine erschreckende und in der Öffentlichkeit stattfindende Gewalttat. Der ermittelnde Detective Harry Ambrose ist verwirrt, weil er ihr die Tat nicht zutraut, auch wenn an ihrer Täterschaft kein Zweifel besteht.
Gesamte Besetzung von The Sinner
Jessica Biel
Cora Tannetti (8 episodes)
Jessica Biel's performance as Cora Tannetti in the psychological thriller series 'The Sinner' is noteworthy for its depth and complexity. Biel masterfully portrays Cora's inner turmoil and emotional struggle, as she grapples with a shocking act of violence that she cannot explain. Biel's nuanced performance brings Cora to life as a multifaceted character, who is both relatable and enigmatic. The actress fully commits to the role, bringing a raw intensity and vulnerability that resonates with viewers. Overall, Biel's portrayal of Cora Tannetti is a standout performance that anchors the series and leaves a lasting impression.
Teri Wyble delivers a compelling performance in "The Sinner" as Leah Belmont, a woman haunted by her past and driven to seek redemption. Her character is a complex blend of fragility and resilience, and Wyble expertly navigates Leah's nuanced emotional landscape, making her an intriguing and sympathetic character. The actress's subtle expressions and body language vividly convey Leah's internal struggles, adding depth and authenticity to her portrayal. Overall, Wyble's performance in "The Sinner" is captivating and stands out as one of her strongest roles to date.
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