Wann immer ihr Spielzeugaffe seine Trommelstäbe schwingt, kommt es im Umfeld der Zwillingsbrüder Hal und Bill zu den absurdesten Todesfällen. Um eine Katastrophe zu verhindern, schmeißen die beiden ihn kurzerhand weg. Als es Jahre später erneut zu rätselhaften Toden kommt, müssen sich die seither zerstrittenen Brüder zusammenraufen, um den verfluchten Affen aufzuspüren und endgültig zur Strecke zu bringen.
Elijah Wood delivered a memorable performance as Ted Hammerman in the offbeat comedy-drama "The Monkey," a film that, while not as widely known as his iconic role in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, showcased his versatility as an actor. Wood brought a quirky charm and vulnerability to the character of Ted, a young man grappling with the complexities of adulthood and the weight of his own expectations. His portrayal of Ted's awkwardness and social naivety was both endearing and humorous, capturing the essence of a character caught between the innocence of youth and the responsibilities of becoming an adult. Wood's performance was nuanced, balancing comedic timing with moments of genuine pathos, as Ted navigates a series of misadventures involving a dysfunctional family, a volatile romance, and an unexpected companion in the form of a pet chimp. Elijah Wood's ability to convey a wide range of emotions with subtlety and depthallowed audiences to empathize with Ted's plight, making his character's journey both relatable and entertaining.