Für manche Täter, für andere Helden – Beteiligte des Atomkraftwerkes Fukushima Daiichi stehen vor der tödlichen und unsichtbaren Gefahr einer einzigartigen nuklearen Katastrophe.
Gesamte Besetzung von THE DAYS
Koji Yakusho
Masao Yoshida (8 episodes)
$ is a recurring character in the TV show THE DAYS. $ is portrayed as a witty and sarcastic individual who often provides comic relief. They are also shown to be fiercely loyal to their friends and will go to great lengths to protect them.
Quotes from Masao Yoshida
- 'I don't always have a plan, but when I do, it usually works out.'
- 'What can I say? Being awesome is a full-time job.'