Als ein Mädchen verschwindet, ist eine Frau gezwungen, sich den Traumata ihrer Kindheit zu stellen.
Gesamte Besetzung von The Clearing
Teresa Palmer
Freya Heywood (8 episodes)
Freya Heywood is a strong, independent woman who is the protagonist of the show The Clearing. She is a loving wife and mother, and she will stop at nothing to protect her family. Freya is a skilled detective who uses her intuition and intelligence to solve mysteries and bring criminals to justice.
Quotes from Freya Heywood
- Justice will be served, no matter what.
- I won't rest until I find the truth.
- My family is my everything, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
Miranda Otto
Adrienne Beaufort (8 episodes)
Adrienne Beaufort is a main character in the show The Clearing. She is a tough and resourceful woman who will stop at nothing to protect herself and others from the dangers of the wilderness.
Quotes from Adrienne Beaufort
- Survival is about making difficult choices.
- I'm not afraid of anything or anyone out here.
Guy Pearce
Dr. Bryce Latham (8 episodes)
Dr. Bryce Latham is a psychiatrist who specializes in treating patients with PTSD. He is a compassionate and dedicated doctor who has helped many people overcome their traumatic experiences.
Quotes from Dr. Bryce Latham
- It's okay to not be okay. That's the first step towards healing.
- Sometimes the only way out is through.
Terry Carter
Tavi (1 episode)
Tavi is a young girl who is the daughter of a man accused of murder in the TV show 'The Clearing'. She is intelligent, inquisitive, and determined to clear her father's name.
Quotes from Tavi
- 'I'm going to find the real killer and prove my dad's innocence.'
- 'My dad didn't do it, I just know he didn't.'