Besetzung und Crew von Silo


Jedes Leben braucht etwas, für das es sich zu sterben lohnt.

In einer verwüsteten und giftigen Zukunft leben Tausende Menschen in einem gewaltigen Silo tief unter der Erde. Nachdem der Sheriff eine zentrale Regel bricht und mysteriöse Todesfälle unter den Bewohnern auftreten, macht sich die Ingenieurin Juliette daran, die schockierenden Geheimnisse über die wahre Natur des Silos zu enthüllen.

Gesamte Besetzung von Silo

Rebecca Ferguson as Juliette Nichols

Rebecca Ferguson

Juliette Nichols (20 episodes)
Juliette Nichols is a main character in the TV show Silo. She is a savvy public relations professional who is often caught in the middle of the drama and politics of the show's characters.

Quotes from Juliette Nichols

  1. 'I know how to handle myself.'
  2. 'I did not see that coming.'
  3. 'I'll make it happen.'
Avi Nash as Lukas Kyle

Avi Nash

Lukas Kyle (20 episodes)

Avi Nash wurde in den USA geboren und wuchs dort auch auf. Er studierte Mathematik und Computation Science an der...

Tim Robbins as Bernard Holland

Tim Robbins

Bernard Holland (20 episodes)
Bernard Holland is a key character in the TV show Silo. He is a highly respected businessman and the founder of the Silo Corporation. He is a man of few words, but his presence is felt throughout the show as he makes critical decisions that shape the future of the company and the lives of the characters around him.

Quotes from Bernard Holland

  1. 'Succeed or die trying'
  2. 'We are all in this together'
Iain Glen as Dr. Pete Nichols

Iain Glen

Dr. Pete Nichols (12 episodes)

Iain Glen (* 24. Juni 1961 in Edinburgh, Schottland) ist ein britischer Schauspieler. Iain Glen besuchte die...

Steve Zahn as Solo

Steve Zahn

Solo (10 episodes)

Steve Zahn (* 13. November 1967 in Marshall, Minnesota) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Zahn debütierte als...

Will Patton as Deputy Sam Marnes

Will Patton

Deputy Sam Marnes (4 episodes)
Deputy Sam Marnes is a police officer in the small town of Silo, known for his dedication to his job and his no-nonsense attitude. He is a tough but fair enforcer of the law, respected by his colleagues and feared by the criminals he pursues.

Quotes from Deputy Sam Marnes

  1. 'You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.'
  2. 'I don't care who your daddy is, you're going downtown.'
Geraldine James as Mayor Ruth Jahns

Geraldine James

Mayor Ruth Jahns (3 episodes)

Geraldine James OBE (* 6. Juli 1950 in Maidenhead, Berkshire; eigentlich Geraldine Thomas) ist eine britische...

Rashida Jones as Allison Becker

Rashida Jones

Allison Becker (1 episode)
Allison Becker is a main character in the TV show Silo. She is a smart and driven journalist who works for a local news station.

Quotes from Allison Becker

  1. I'm just trying to do my job here.
  2. Sometimes the hardest thing is knowing what questions to ask.
  3. I won't stop until I get the truth.
David Oyelowo as Sheriff Holston Becker

David Oyelowo

Sheriff Holston Becker (5 episodes)
Sheriff Holston Becker is the local law enforcement officer in the town of Silo. He is a no-nonsense guy who takes his job seriously, and he always has his finger on the pulse of the community. With a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue, Sheriff Becker isn't afraid to speak his mind and do what he thinks is right, even if it means going against the grain.

Quotes from Sheriff Holston Becker

  1. Justice isn't just a word. It's a way of life.
  2. My job is to protect the people of this town, and I'll do whatever it takes to get the job done.
  3. I don't care who you are, what your background is, or where you come from. If you break the law, I'll be coming for you.
Jessica Henwick as Helen

Jessica Henwick

Helen (1 episode)

Jessica Henwick (* 30. August 1992 in Surrey, England) ist eine britische Schauspielerin. Seit 2010 ist sie als...

Crew von Silo

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