Besetzung und Crew von La La Land

La La Land

Für alle die zu träumen wagen.

Mia ist eine leidenschaftliche Schauspielerin, die ihr Glück in Los Angeles sucht. Sebastian will dort ebenfalls seinen Durchbruch schaffen, allerdings nicht als Schauspieler, sondern als Musiker, der Menschen des 21. Jahrhunderts für traditionellen Jazz begeistern möchte. Mia und Sebastian müssen sich mit Nebenjobs durchschlagen, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu sichern – sie arbeitet in Cafés, er sitzt in Clubs am Keyboard. Nachdem sie einander vorm Klavier begegnet und schließlich ein Paar geworden sind, geben sich gegenseitig Kraft. Von nun an arbeiten sie zu zweit daran, groß rauszukommen. Doch schnell müssen Mia und Sebastian feststellen, dass ihre Bestrebungen auch Opfer fordern und ihre Beziehung auf eine harte Probe stellen. Verrät sich Sebastian selbst, wenn er in der Band von Keith Musik spielt, die er gar nicht mag? Und kann Mia ihre Zeilen nicht auch mit ihrem Freund auf Tour lernen, oder muss sie dazu wirklich in L.A. bleiben?

Gesamte Besetzung von La La Land

Ryan Gosling as Sebastian

Ryan Gosling

In "La La Land", Ryan Gosling delivers a captivating performance as Sebastian Wilder, a jazz pianist with a deep passion for the genre's history and preservation. Gosling's portrayal is nuanced and layered, showcasing not only his character's musical talent but also his struggles, dreams, and the complexities of his relationships. His chemistry with co-star Emma Stone is electric, making their shared scenes both tender and compelling. Gosling's dedication to learning jazz piano for the role adds an authenticity that further enhances his performance, making it a standout in his already impressive career.
Emma Stone as Mia

Emma Stone

Emma Stone's portrayal of Mia Dolan in 'La La Land' is nothing short of captivating. Her performance is a delicate balance of vulnerability and determination, showcasing her exceptional range as an actress. Stone's ability to convey Mia's dreams, disappointments, and eventual triumph is truly commendable. Her singing and dancing skills, which were not as well-known prior to this film, are also on full display, adding another layer of depth to her character. Overall, Stone's performance is a standout feature of the film, earning her the well-deserved Academy Award for Best Actress.
Rosemarie DeWitt as Laura

Rosemarie DeWitt

Rosemarie DeWitt's portrayal of Laura Wilder in 'La La Land' is a standout performance, though brief. As the sister of Mia (Emma Stone), Laura serves as a grounding force, offering a glimpse into the reality outside of Mia's Hollywood dreams. DeWitt's nuanced performance captures Laura's empathy and concern for her sister, as well as her own personal struggles. Her performance adds depth to the film, providing a counterbalance to the dreamlike quality of the musical numbers. Despite her limited screen time, DeWitt leaves a lasting impression, demonstrating her ability to create a fully realized character in just a few scenes.
J.K. Simmons as Bill

J.K. Simmons

J.K. Simmons delivers a noteworthy performance as Bill in the critically acclaimed musical film, "La La Land". As the stern and no-nonsense jazz club owner, Simmons brings a sense of gravitas to the role, grounding the film's whimsical and romantic elements with his character's pragmatic outlook. His nuanced portrayal of Bill, a man who values the preservation of traditional jazz over its commercialization, adds depth to the narrative. Simmons's ability to convey Bill's passion for jazz, as well as his disdain for those who dilute its essence, is a testament to his acting prowess. His performance serves as a reminder of the importance of artistic integrity and the struggle to maintain it in the face of adversity.
Sonoya Mizuno as Caitlin

Sonoya Mizuno


Sonoya Mizuno (geboren am 1. Juli 1986) ist eine britische Schauspielerin. Sie ist am besten bekannt für ihre Rollen...