Während auf dem Olymp Unfrieden herrscht und der allmächtige Zeus in Paranoia verfällt, sind drei Sterbliche dazu bestimmt, die Zukunft der Menschheit neu zu gestalten.
Gesamte Besetzung von KAOS
Jeff Goldblum
Zeus (8 episodes)
In the television series 'KAOS', Jeff Goldblum brings his unique charm and charisma to the role of Zeus, the enigmatic leader of a clandestine organization. Goldblum's portrayal is equal parts captivating and enigmatic, imbuing the character with a sense of otherworldly wisdom and a touch of eccentricity. His performance is characterized by an uncanny ability to oscillate between intimidating authority and subtle humor, effectively keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Goldblum's interpretation of Zeus is a true testament to his range as an actor, and his performance undoubtedly leaves a lasting impression.