In der Zukunft ist ein Mann das Gesetz
Man schreibt das dritte Jahrtausend. Nukleare Kriege und ökologische Katastrophen haben die Erde verwüstet. Die Menschen leben in Mega-Städten zusammengepfercht, in denen Anarchie und Chaos herrschen. Die Lösung: Machtvolle Kampfmaschinen wurden kreiert und ausgestattet mit allumfassender Macht: Recht, Gesetz und Justiz in einer Hand – die Judges. In Mega City One lebt der beste unter ihnen – Judge Dredd, das Produkt eines geheimen DNA-Experiments. Sein Bruder Rico will die Herrschaft an sich reißen. Dazu muss er zuerst Dredd aus dem Verkehr ziehen und hängt ihm einen Mord an. Von nun an muss Dredd auf eigene Faust um Recht und Ehre kämpfen. Um seine Unschuld zu beweisen, flieht er aus dem Gefängnis, denn alle Beweise sprechen gegen ihn.
Gesamte Besetzung von Judge Dredd
Sylvester Stallone
Judge Joseph Dredd
In the 1995 film 'Judge Dredd', Sylvester Stallone brings his signature tough-guy persona to the role of Judge Joseph Dredd, a law enforcement officer in a dystopian future. While Stallone's performance is typically stoic and intense, it's his ability to convey Dredd's unwavering commitment to justice that truly shines. Despite the film's mixed reception, Stallone's portrayal of Dredd remains a memorable one, capturing the essence of the character from the popular comic book series.
Diane Lane's performance as Judge Hershey in the movie 'Judge Dredd' is a standout element of the film. Lane brings a sense of gravitas and authority to the role, effectively portraying a tough and capable law enforcement officer. Her chemistry with co-star Sylvester Stallone is also noteworthy, as the two share a believable and engaging dynamic. Overall, Lane's performance adds depth and nuance to the character of Judge Hershey, making her a memorable and compelling presence in the movie.
Max von Sydow
Chief Justice Fargo
Max von Sydow's performance as Chief Justice Fargo in the movie 'Judge Dredd' is a standout. Despite the film's overall campy tone, von Sydow brings a sense of gravitas and authority to the role. His character serves as a moral compass in a world gone mad, and von Sydow's nuanced portrayal of a man torn between duty and compassion is truly compelling. His scenes with Sylvester Stallone's Judge Dredd are some of the film's most memorable, as the two veteran actors play off each other with a palpable sense of respect and camaraderie. Von Sydow's performance is a testament to his talent and versatility as an actor.