Besetzung und Crew von Insidious


Nicht das Haus ist besessen …

Neues Haus, neues Glück: Für den Lehrer Josh Lambert, seine Frau Renai und ihre drei Kinder ist der Umzug die Erfüllung eines lange gehegten Wunschtraums. Die Freude währt indes nur kurz: Schnell wird der Familie bewusst, dass ihr neues Heim von düsteren Geistern heimgesucht wird. Nach einem mysteriösen Unfall fällt ihr Sohn Dalton in ein Koma, das selbst die besten Ärzte vor ein Rätsel stellt. Mit einem erneuten Umzug wollen die Lamberts ihren Sohn retten und dem unablässigen Terror entfliehen. Doch dann müssen sie feststellen, dass es nicht das Haus war, auf das die Dämonen es abgesehen haben...

Gesamte Besetzung von Insidious

Patrick Wilson as Josh Lambert

Patrick Wilson

Josh Lambert
Patrick Wilson delivers a compelling performance as Josh Lambert in the horror film 'Insidious'. His portrayal of a father struggling to protect his family from supernatural forces is both heartfelt and intense. Wilson's ability to convey a range of emotions, from fear and confusion to determination and courage, adds depth to his character and keeps viewers engaged. His chemistry with co-star Rose Byrne also adds to the believability of their on-screen relationship, making the film's events all the more impactful. Overall, Wilson's performance is a standout in this chilling tale of the paranormal.
Rose Byrne as Renai Lambert

Rose Byrne

Renai Lambert
Rose Byrne delivers a compelling performance as Renai Lambert in the movie 'Insidious'. Her portrayal of a mother desperately trying to protect her family from supernatural forces is both heart-wrenching and captivating. Byrne's ability to convey a range of emotions, from fear and despair to determination and resilience, adds depth to her character and keeps the audience engaged throughout the film. Her on-screen chemistry with co-star Patrick Wilson also contributes to the overall believability of their characters' relationship, making their journey all the more impactful.
Ty Simpkins as Dalton Lambert

Ty Simpkins

Dalton Lambert
Ty Simpkins delivers a chilling performance as Dalton Lambert in the horror film 'Insidious'. His portrayal of a young boy who becomes the vessel for malevolent spirits is both convincing and unsettling. Simpkins' ability to switch between an innocent child and a vessel for the supernatural is truly impressive, making his character a standout in the film. His performance adds a layer of depth to the horror, making it all the more terrifying for the audience.