Einfühlsame Lovestory um einen zutiefst einsamen Mann
In was verliebt man sich bei seinem Gegenüber zuerst? Die Augen, das Gesicht, die Hände, die Stimme? Im Falle von Theodore Twombly ist es die Stimme. Ihm bleibt auch nichts anderes als die Stimme, denn Samantha ist körperlos. Sie ist die Stimme von Theodores neuem Betriebssystem, das über eine künstliche Intelligenz verfügt – und anscheinend auch über Emotionen. Bis vor kurzem noch trudelte Theodore, professioneller Verfasser einfühlsamer Briefe für Kunden, denen die passenden Worte fehlen, recht haltlos durchs Leben, nachdem seine langjährige Beziehung mit Catherine in die Brüche gegangen ist. Doch zu seiner Verwunderung entwickelt Theodore zur Computerstimme Samantha Gefühle, die schnell über eine bloße Schwärmerei hinausgehen. Von seiner Umwelt kritisch beäugt muss sich Theodore die Frage gefallen lassen: Ist solch eine Liebe möglich?
Gesamte Besetzung von Her
In Spike Jonze's thought-provoking film "Her," Joaquin Phoenix delivers a captivating performance as Theodore Twombly, a lonely man who falls in love with an artificial intelligence named Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). Phoenix's nuanced portrayal of Theodore allows the audience to genuinely empathize with his loneliness and vulnerability, while also appreciating his capacity for growth and adaptation. Phoenix's on-screen presence and superb acting skills bring authenticity to this unconventional love story set in a near-future Los Angeles. His ability to convincingly engage with an unseen entity allows viewers to fully embrace the film's theme that love transcends physical form and human boundaries. Without Phoenix's compelling performance, the emotional depth and artistic importance of this unique romantic tale might otherwise have been lost.
Scarlett Johansson
Samantha (voice)
Scarlett Johansson delivers a captivating and compelling performance as Samantha, the artificially intelligent virtual assistant in the film "Her". Despite being merely a voice, Johansson manages to breathe life into the character, infusing her with charm, wit, and a profound emotional depth. Through her nuanced delivery, Johansson effectively conveys Samantha's evolving consciousness, curiosity, and longing for human connection, ultimately leading the audience to empathize with her and question the true nature of love and sentience. It's a testament to Johansson's talent that she can create such a memorable and impactful character using only her voice, and this performance stands as a remarkable showcase of her abilities.
Amy Adams delivers a nuanced and poignant performance in Spike Jonze's "Her" as the character Amy. Although she is not the central figure, Adams manages to create a captivating and relatable portrayal of a woman navigating the complexities of human connection in a near-future society. Her performance is a beautiful blend of humor, warmth, and vulnerability, as she grapples with her own loneliness while trying to support her friend Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) through his unusual relationship with an artificial intelligence. Adams' empathetic portrayal lends the film a strong emotional backbone and offers a thought-provoking exploration of love and companionship in our increasingly digital world.
Chris Pratt delivers a heartwarming and poignant performance as Paul in the film 'Her'. As the supportive and goofy best friend of Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), Pratt brings a much-needed lightness and humor to the movie's emotional narrative. His sincere portrayal of Paul allows viewers to connect with the character immediately, adding depth to the film's exploration of human connections in a technology-driven world. Pratt's performance is a standout, demonstrating his versatility and charisma in this unique and thought-provoking story.
Brian Cox
Alan Watts (voice)
Brian Denis Cox CBE (* 1. Juni 1946 in Dundee, Schottland) ist ein schottischer Schauspieler. Nach zahllosen...
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