Sie sind gekommen um die Welt zu retten
So ein Pech. Da haben die Parapsychologie-Professoren Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz und Egon Spengler endlich den Beweis für paranormale Aktivitäten in Form einer waschechten Geistererscheinung vor den Augen, da werden sie auch schon vom Campus der Uni geworfen. Zu unwichtig und kostenintensiv seien ihre Forschungen. Frisch in der Arbeitslosigkeit angekommen, aber mit dem Wissen um die Existenz übernatürlicher Phänomene und Geisterwesen angereichert beschließen sie aus der Not eine zukunftsweisende Idee umzusetzen: Sie gründen ein Geisterjäger-Unternehmen! Mit selbst entworfenem Equipment und mit einem alten Feuerwehrgebäude als Hauptquartier stellen sie sich den lästigen Bedrohungen aus der Zwischenwelt. Und auch wenn die braven Bürger von New York der ganzen Sache etwas skeptisch gegenüberstehen, werd sie bald merken, wie nötig ihre Stadt diese geisterjagenden Jungs hat ...
Gesamte Besetzung von Ghostbusters - Die Geisterjäger
Bill Murray's performance as Dr. Peter Venkman in 'Ghostbusters' is a masterclass in comedic timing and charisma. His sarcastic wit and deadpan delivery perfectly embody the character of a disillusioned academic turned paranormal investigator. Murray's ability to switch from nonchalant to frantic in a heartbeat adds to the humor and excitement of the film. His chemistry with the rest of the cast is also noteworthy, making their interactions both hilarious and engaging. Overall, Murray's portrayal of Venkman is a standout performance that contributes significantly to the enduring popularity of 'Ghostbusters'.
Dan Aykroyd's portrayal of Dr. Raymond Stantz in 'Ghostbusters' is a delightful blend of comedic timing and genuine enthusiasm. As one of the founding members of the Ghostbusters team, Stantz's childlike fascination with the paranormal provides a perfect contrast to the skepticism of his colleagues. Aykroyd brings a unique energy to the role, making Stantz both endearing and hilarious. His comedic delivery is spot-on, and his ability to switch between seriousness and silliness adds depth to the character. Overall, Aykroyd's performance as Dr. Raymond Stantz is a highlight of the film, contributing significantly to its enduring popularity.
Sigourney Weaver
Dana Barrett
In the 1984 classic film 'Ghostbusters', Sigourney Weaver delivers a captivating performance as Dana Barrett. Weaver brings a unique blend of charm, intelligence, and vulnerability to the character, making Dana not just a damsel in distress, but a strong, independent woman caught in extraordinary circumstances. Her chemistry with co-star Bill Murray adds a layer of humor and romance that complements the film's supernatural theme. Weaver's portrayal of Dana Barrett is a testament to her versatility as an actress, proving she can excel in both dramatic and comedic roles.
Annie Potts
Janine Melnitz
Annie Potts delivers a standout performance as Janine Melnitz in the iconic film 'Ghostbusters'. Her portrayal of the sarcastic and sharp-witted secretary to the Ghostbusters team is both hilarious and endearing. Potts's impeccable comedic timing and dry wit bring a unique charm to the character, making Janine a fan favorite. Her ability to hold her own against the film's leading men, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis, is a testament to her acting prowess. Potts's performance as Janine is a highlight of the film, and her character's evolution throughout the series is a delight to watch.
Crew von Ghostbusters - Die Geisterjäger
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