Stella ist eine 17-Jährige, wie sie im Buche steht: Ihr Smartphone gibt sie nicht aus der Hand und am liebsten chattet sie mit ihren Freunden. Nur Platz zum Träumen bleibt ihr nicht, denn anders als normale Teenager, verbringt sie die meiste Zeit unter strenger Beobachtung im Krankenhaus. Stella leidet an der unheilbaren Erbkrankheit Mukoviszidose und ihre wichtigste Regel lautet: Komm keinem Mitpatienten näher als 4 Schritte, denn er könnte dich mit seinen Bakterien schwächen und schlimmstenfalls töten.
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Cole Sprouse delivers a captivating performance as Will Newman in the movie 'Five Feet Apart'. His portrayal of a cynical, yet charming, teenager battling cystic fibrosis is both heart-wrenching and uplifting. Sprouse effortlessly captures the complex emotions of his character, from the frustration and anger caused by his illness to the hope and love he finds in his relationship with Stella. His on-screen chemistry with co-star Haley Lu Richardson is palpable, making their characters' connection all the more believable and impactful. Overall, Sprouse's performance is a standout, showcasing his range and depth as an actor.
Moisés Arias delivers a standout performance as Poe Ramírez in the heartfelt drama 'Five Feet Apart'. His portrayal of the charismatic and witty Poe, a cystic fibrosis patient who befriends the film's protagonist, Stella (Haley Lu Richardson), is both endearing and memorable. Arias brings a sense of authenticity to the role, capturing the complex emotions of living with a life-threatening illness while maintaining a positive outlook. His on-screen chemistry with Richardson adds depth to their friendship, making their bond feel genuine and heartwarming. Overall, Arias's performance as Poe Ramírez is a testament to his acting skills and a highlight of the film.