Besetzung und Crew von Die Truman Show

Die Truman Show

Auf Sendung – unbewusst

Die Truman Show ist seit beinahe dreißig Jahren ein TV-Klassiker auf der ganzen Welt. Seit seiner Geburt ist Truman Burbank der Hauptdarsteller der Serie – ohne es überhaupt zu wissen. Produzent Christof entwarf eine künstliche Welt, genannt Seahaven, in der Truman von über 5000 Kameras 24 Stunden am Tag bei fast jeder Kleinigkeit beobachtet wird. Um die Fassade nicht zum Einstürzen zu bringen sind seine Frau, Freunde und Verwandte allesamt Schauspieler. In Folge 10909 kommt es jedoch zu diversen versehentlichen Vorfällen die Truman misstrauisch werden lassen. Obwohl Schauspieler und Produzenten alles daran setzen Truman wieder in Zaum zu halten, lässt sich dieser nicht davon abhalten nach Ungereimtheiten zu forschen. Sein Streben nach einer echten Welt wird immer stärker, er plant seinen Ausbruch.

Gesamte Besetzung von Die Truman Show

Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank

Jim Carrey

Truman Burbank
In 'The Truman Show', Jim Carrey delivers a remarkable performance as Truman Burbank, a man who unknowingly lives his entire life as the star of a reality TV show. Carrey masterfully balances the character's naivety and innocence with his growing suspicion and unease, creating a captivating journey of self-discovery. His comedic timing adds levity to the film, while his dramatic range allows for genuine emotional depth. Carrey's portrayal of Truman is both endearing and thought-provoking, making it a standout role in his career.
Laura Linney as Meryl Burbank / Hannah Gill

Laura Linney

Meryl Burbank / Hannah Gill
In 'The Truman Show', Laura Linney delivers a captivating dual performance as Meryl Burbank and Hannah Gill. As Meryl, she portrays Truman's seemingly perfect wife with an eerie, Stepford-esque quality, expertly balancing the character's artificial nature with moments of genuine emotion. As Hannah, Linney reveals a more authentic side, showing her character's true feelings and desires, which are often at odds with the scripted reality of the TV show. Linney's nuanced performance adds depth to both characters, making her an unforgettable part of the film.
Noah Emmerich as Marlon / Louis Coltrane

Noah Emmerich

Marlon / Louis Coltrane
Noah Emmerich delivers a compelling performance in 'The Truman Show' as both Marlon and Louis Coltrane. His ability to portray two distinct characters within the same film showcases his versatility as an actor. As Marlon, Emmerich brings a sense of warmth and camaraderie to the screen, making his character's betrayal of Truman all the more heartbreaking. On the other hand, as Louis Coltrane, he displays a darker, more mysterious side, adding depth to the intricate plot of the film. His nuanced performance enhances the overall narrative, making him a standout in this thought-provoking movie.
Holland Taylor as Angela Montclair / Alanis Montclair

Holland Taylor

Angela Montclair / Alanis Montclair
Holland Taylor's performance as Angela Montclair / Alanis Montclair in 'The Truman Show' is a delightful blend of sophistication and humor. As the elegant and poised Angela, Taylor exudes charm and grace, effortlessly portraying the character's confidence and charisma. When she transforms into the quirky and eccentric Alanis, Taylor's comedic timing and physicality shine, adding a layer of absurdity and fun to the film. Her ability to seamlessly switch between these two distinct personas showcases her impressive range as an actress, making her portrayal of Angela Montclair / Alanis Montclair a standout performance in the movie.
Ed Harris as Christof

Ed Harris

Ed Harris delivers a standout performance as Christof in 'The Truman Show'. As the mastermind behind the reality TV show that Truman Burbank unwittingly stars in, Harris brings a sense of grandiosity and control to the role. His character's obsession with creating the perfect life for Truman, while also manipulating every aspect of it, is both chilling and fascinating. Harris's portrayal of Christof as a God-like figure, with his deep, authoritative voice and commanding presence, adds to the film's exploration of the ethics of reality TV and the blurred lines between fiction and reality.
Paul Giamatti as Simeon

Paul Giamatti


Paul Edward Valentine Giamatti (* 6. Juni 1967 in New Haven, Connecticut) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Er...