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Dichterin, Tochter, Rebellin. Hailee Steinfeld spielt die Titelrolle der faszinierenden amerikanischen Literatin Emily Dickinson. Ihr Plan: Nicht weniger als die größte Poetin der Welt werden.
Gesamte Besetzung von Dickinson
Hailee Steinfeld
Emily Dickinson (30 episodes)
Hailee Steinfeld delivers a tour de force performance as the poet Emily Dickinson in the Apple TV+ series "Dickinson." Her portrayal is a vibrant and fresh take on the renowned literary figure, capturing the passionate intensity and the rebellious spirit of the young poet. Steinfeld adeptly balances the show's modern sensibilities with the constraints of 19th-century society, infusing Emily with a contemporary wit and relatability that resonates with today's audience. Her nuanced performance brings to life the inner turmoil and ecstasy of Dickinson's creative process, as well as her defiance against the expectations of her time, particularly as a woman. Steinfeld's Emily is both a product of her era and a timeless icon, whose struggles with family, society, and her own burgeoning sexuality are portrayed with authenticity and depth. Her portrayal not only honors the legacy of one of America's most celebrated poets but also reimagines Emily Dickinson as a figure who speaks powerfully to the present.
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