Besetzung und Crew von Der Herr der Ringe

Der Herr der Ringe

Fantasy...beyond your imagination

Der junge Hobbit Frodo Beutlin bekommt von Gandalf die Aufgabe, den Einen Ring zu zerstören, der die Macht des Dunklen Herrschers Sauron enthält. Frodo schließt sich der Gemeinschaft des Rings an, zu der auch seine Freunde Sam, Merry und Pippin, der Grenzgänger Aragorn, der Krieger Boromir, der Elf Legolas, der Zwerg Gimli und Gandalf der Graue gehören. Die Gemeinschaft bricht nach Bruchtal auf, wird aber von den Schwarzen Reitern verfolgt. Sie durchqueren die gefährlichen Zwergenminen von Moria, treffen auf den undurchschaubaren Gollum und kämpfen in der Schlacht von Helms Klamm.

Gesamte Besetzung von Der Herr der Ringe

John Hurt as Aragorn (voice)

John Hurt

Aragorn (voice)
John Hurt's voice performance as Aragorn in the animated adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" (1978) brought a regal and stoic presence to the character that would become iconic for fans of the fantasy epic. While the film itself was a modest production compared to the grandeur of Peter Jackson's live-action trilogy decades later, Hurt's rich and commanding voice imbued Aragorn with a depth of wisdom and nobility. His portrayal captured the essence of the character as a natural leader and heir to the throne of Gondor, exuding both the world-weariness of the ranger and the hidden strength of the future king. Hurt's performance was a pivotal part of establishing the character's legacy in the minds of audiences, setting a standard for gravitas and authority that would later be visualized in the live-action films. His vocal work helped to solidify Aragorn's place as one of the most beloved characters in the Tolkien universe, and his rendition remains a cherished interpretation for those who experienced the animated tale.