Frank Adler lebt gemeinsam mit seiner Nichte Mary, die er anstatt ihrer eigenen Eltern großgezogen hat, in einem kleinen Küstenort in Florida. Mary ist ebenso lebhaft wie intelligent und aufgrund ihrer Leistungen in der Schule, vor allem in Mathematik, vermutet ihre Lehrerin Bonnie schon bald, dass Mary hochbegabt sein könnte. Frank will davon jedoch nichts wissen, sondern möchte Mary ein weitgehend normales Leben abseits von Leistungsdruck und Intelligenztests ermöglichen. Doch als seine eigene Mutter Evelyn davon erfährt, ist es mit dem geruhsamen Leben der Patchwork-Familie vorbei, denn Evelyn hat große Pläne für ihre Enkeltochter. Doch Frank beschließt, für das Wohl seiner Nichte zu kämpfen und erhält dabei Unterstützung von Bonnie, die ihrerseits ein Auge auf den attraktiven alleinerziehenden Ersatzvater geworfen hat, sowie von seiner resoluten Vermieterin und Freundin Roberta.
Gesamte Besetzung von Begabt - Die Gleichung eines Lebens
Chris Evans delivers a heartfelt and nuanced performance as Frank Adler in the movie 'Gifted'. Evans effortlessly captures the essence of a man who is both protective and nurturing, as he raises his niece Mary, a child prodigy. His portrayal of Frank's struggle to balance Mary's extraordinary gifts with her need for a normal childhood is deeply moving. Evans' on-screen chemistry with the young McKenna Grace, who plays Mary, is palpable, making their relationship all the more believable and endearing. His performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, showcasing his ability to shine in roles that are vastly different from his iconic portrayal of Captain America.
Mckenna Grace delivers a truly remarkable performance as Mary Adler in the movie 'Gifted'. Her portrayal of the child prodigy is both heartwarming and captivating, as she effortlessly balances the character's extraordinary intellect with the innocence and vulnerability of a young girl. Grace's exceptional talent shines through in every scene, making her a standout among the cast and a joy to watch. Her performance is a testament to her skills as a young actress and adds depth and emotion to the film.
Octavia Spencer
Roberta Taylor
Octavia Spencer delivers a standout performance as Roberta Taylor in the movie 'Gifted'. Her portrayal of the caring and nurturing neighbor to a young girl with exceptional mathematical abilities is both heartwarming and powerful. Spencer's ability to convey Roberta's love and concern for the child, as well as her frustration with the girl's neglectful guardian, adds depth and emotion to the film. Her performance is a testament to her talent as an actress and a reminder of why she is one of the most respected and sought-after performers in Hollywood.
John Finn
Aubrey Highsmith
John Finn (* 30. September 1952 in New York City, New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Seinen...