Die Familie von Curtis wird ausgewählt, um ein neues Haushaltsgerät zu testen: einen digitalen Assistenten namens AIA. AIA lernt die Verhaltensweisen der Familie und beginnt, ihre Bedürfnisse zu erkennen.
Gesamte Besetzung von Afraid
In the gripping thriller 'Afraid', John Cho delivers a captivating performance as Curtis Pike, a newly paroled ex-convict struggling to build a new life for himself. Cho expertly portrays Pike's inner turmoil and determination, captivating viewers with his expressive eyes and subtle mannerisms. As Pike finds himself in increasingly dangerous situations while uncovering a dark conspiracy in his rural hometown, Cho's dynamic range showcases the character's vulnerability and fierce resolve. His performance unquestionably anchors the film, earning him praise for his ability to engross the audience and create an authentic, relatable character amidst the movie's suspense and drama.
In the chilling psychological thriller, 'Afraid', Keith Carradine delivers a captivating performance as Marcus, a mysterious and charismatic drifter who inserts himself into the lives of a young family in distress. Carradine expertly balances charm and menace, leaving viewers in suspense as they try to decipher his true intentions. His nuanced portrayal of Marcus, marked by subtle intensity and unnerving calmness, brilliantly contributes to the unsettling atmosphere of the film, making it a standout among Carradine's extensive body of work in cinema and television.
Riki Lindhome
Maud / RV Woman
Riki Lindhome (* 5. März 1979 in Coudersport, Pennsylvania) ist eine US-amerikanische Komikerin, Schauspielerin und...