Ein Vater (Tyrese Gibson) gerät in einen hochriskanten Raubüberfall und in einen nervenaufreibenden Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, während er versucht, seinen Sohn vor einer skrupellosen Verbrecherfamilie (Scott Eastwood und Ray Liotta) zu retten. Während die Spannungen in den Unruhen von L.A. 1992 steigen, prallen beide Familien aufeinander.
Gesamte Besetzung von 1992
Absolutely! Ray Liotta delivered a captivating performance as Lowell in the 1984 film "Something Wild." His character, a seemingly average urban professional, undergoes a dramatic transformation, showcasing Liotta's remarkable range as an actor. His ability to shift from a restrained, uneasy man to a volatile, unpredictable figure is both chilling and impressive, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. Liotta's portrayal of Lowell is a testament to his talent and versatility, making "Something Wild" a must-watch for his fans and anyone who appreciates dynamic acting.