Cast and Crew of Day Night Day Night

Cast of
Day Night Day Night

About Day Night Day Night

A 19-year-old girl prepares to become a suicide bomber in Times Square. She speaks with a nondescript American accent, and it’s impossible to pinpoint her ethnicity. We never learn why she made her decision—she has made it already.

Full Cast of Day Night Day Night

Luisa Williams
plays She

Josh Philip Weinstein
plays Commander

Gareth Saxe
plays Organizer

Nyambi Nyambi
plays Organizer

Nyambi Nyambi as Organizer

Nyambi Nyambi is an American stage and screen actor, best known for his role as waiter Samuel in the CBS sitcom "Mike...

See Nyambi Nyambi's other roles

Frank Dattolo
plays Bombmaker

Annemarie Lawless
plays Bombmaker's Assistant

Teo Yoo
plays Driver

Teo Yoo as Driver

Yoo Teo is a Korean actor and director. He began acting when studying at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute...

See Teo Yoo's other roles

Crew of Day Night Day Night

Discover the backstage crew of Day Night Day Night →