Cast and Crew of Dare

Cast of

About Dare

  • Released on August 13, 2005
  • Drama

High school senior Ben secretly lusts after bad boy classmate Johnny. After Ben gives Johnny a ride home one night, the boys end up in Johnny's swimming pool and have an encounter that breaks the rules and blows Ben's mind.

Full Cast of Dare

Adam Fleming
plays Ben "Light Boy"

Michael Cassidy
plays Johnny

Michael Cassidy as Johnny

Michael Cassidy (born March 20, 1983) is an American film and television actor. He is best known for his role as Zach...

See Michael Cassidy's other roles

Marla Burkholder
plays Alexa

Terry Guerin
plays Drama Teacher

Carly Haines
plays Alexa's Friend

Matt Lundy
plays Jock

Steve Sweigard
plays Jock

Crew of Dare

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