Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a new animated series that takes place in a dystopian future where technology and humanity are intertwined in a world filled with corruption and cybernetic implants. The series follows the story of a talented but reckless street kid named David Martinez, voiced by Kenn, who dreams of becoming a mercenary outlaw, also known as an edgerunner. David's character is a perfect example of someone who is struggling to find his place in a world that has left him behind, and his journey to become an edgerunner is both thrilling and emotionally resonant.
Another character that plays a significant role in the series is Falco, voiced by Yasuyuki Kase. Falco is a mysterious and enigmatic figure who becomes a mentor to David as he navigates the dangerous world of mercenary work. Falco's character is a veteran edgerunner who has seen and done it all, and his wisdom and guidance are invaluable to David as he learns the ropes of the trade. However, Falco's past is shrouded in mystery, and as the series progresses, we learn more about his true intentions and motivations.
The world-building in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is exceptional, and the series does an excellent job of immersing the viewer in this dystopian future. The city is a character in and of itself, filled with towering skyscrapers, neon lights, and gritty streets. The technology is advanced, but it also feels grounded in reality, with cybernetic implants and augmentations that feel like a natural extension of the human body. The series explores themes of identity, corruption, and the consequences of technological advancement, making for a thought-provoking and engaging viewing experience. With its compelling characters, stunning animation, and immersive world-building, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a must-watch for fans of anime and science fiction alike.
Yasuyuki Kase (加瀬 康之, Kase Yasuyuki, March 14, 1971) is a Japanese voice actor from Ōta Ward, Tokyo, who is affiliate...
Kazuhiko Inoue was born on March 26, 1954 in Yokohama, Japan. He is an actor, known for Naruto: Shippûden (2007), Nar...
Kenjiro Tsuda (津田 健次郎, Tsuda Kenjirō) is a Japanese voice actor, stage actor, and narrator affiliated with Amuleto an...
Takako Honda is a Japanese voice actress and narrator affiliated with Office Osawa.
Hiroki Touchi was born on May 26, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.
Tomoyo Kurosawa (黒沢 ともよ, born April 10, 1996) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer from Chichibu, Saitama ...
Aoi Yuki (悠木 碧, Yūki Aoi, born March 27, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress (seiyuu), actress and singer from Sanmu Ci...
Kaito Ishikawa is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo. He is affiliated with Stay Luck (previously with Pro-Fit).
Hidenari Ugaki (宇垣 秀成, Ugaki Hidenari, July 25, 1963) is a Japanese voice actor and actor from Tokyo. He is a attache...
Yohei Matsuoka (松岡 洋平, Matsuoka Yōhei, born May 16, 1995) is a Japanese voice actor (seiyuu) from Tokyo. He is affili...
Emiko Takeuchi (竹内 恵美子, Takeuchi Emiko, March 27) is a Japanese voice actress from Kanagawa affiliated with 81 Produce.
Atsushi Tamaru (田丸篤志, Tamaru Atsushi) is a Japanese voice actor from Saitama Prefecture. He is affiliated with Mausu ...
Takeshi Hirabayashi (平林 剛, Hirabayashi Takeshi, May 15) is a Japanese voice actor from Shizuoka prefecture who is aff...
Takanori Hoshino is a Japanese voice actor. He play as many role such as Justice League (role of Superman) Altered Ca...
Masaomi Yamahashi (山橋 正臣, Yamahashi Masaomi, July 8) is a Japanese voice actor born in Oita Prefecture, Japan, who is...
Tomomichi Nishimura (西村 知道, Nishimura Tomomichi, June 2, 1946) is a Japanese voice actor and actor. He is from Chiba ...
Hikaru Tanaka (田中 光, Tanaka Hikaru, March 2) is a Japanese voice actor from Tokyo who is affiliated with Ken Producti...
Shomaru Zouza (左座 翔丸, Zōza Shōmaru, October 31) is a Japanese voice actor and stage actor born in Kumamoto Prefecture...
Soma Saito (斉藤 壮馬, Saitō Sōma) is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with 81Produce.
Kento Shiraishi (白石 兼斗, Shiraishi Kento, April 26) is a Japanese voice actor from Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, affili...
Tsuguo Mogami (最上 嗣生, Mogami Tsuguo) is a Japanese male voice actor and narrator from Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Afte...
Hiroki Matsukawa (松川 裕輝, formerly 松川 央樹, Matsukawa Hiroki, March 26) is a Japanese voice actor and stage actor born i...
Tomoko Shiota was born on October 26, 1961 and is currently 63 years old.
Hiroshi Yanaka (家中 宏, Yanaka Hiroshi) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator. Born in Tokyo, he is affiliated...
Tomoyuki Shimura (志村 知幸, Shimura Tomoyuki, December 12, 1963) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and actor. He was b...
Sayaka Ohara (大原 さやか, Ōhara Sayaka) is a Japanese voice actress, affiliated with Haikyō. Her major roles include Layl...
Takayuki Nakatsukasa (中務 貴幸, Nakatsukasa Takayuki, born April 26, 1990) is a Japanese voice actor from Kanagawa Prefe...
Yuki Ominami (大南 友希, Ōminami Yuki, December 14) is a Japanese voice actress. Her previous stage name was Haruka Omina...
Seiyu Fujiwara (藤原 聖侑, Fujiwara Seiyu, born July 3) is a Japanese voice actor from Hyōgo Prefecture affiliated with S...
Takuya Makimura (蒔村 拓哉, Makimura Takuya, born December 7) is a Japanese voice actor from Chiba Prefecture, Japan. He ...
Hiroko Kiso (きそ ひろこ, Kiso Hiroko, born July 15) is a Japanese voice actress from Nara Prefecture who is affiliated wi...
Wataru Takagi (高木 渉) is a Japanese voice and stage actor.
Takako Honda is a Japanese voice actress and narrator affiliated with Office Osawa.