In the year 2524, four centuries after humans started colonizing the outer planets, retired General James Ford gets called back into service when a hostile alien fleet attacks soldiers on a remote planet. The threat against mankind soon escalates into an interstellar war as Ford and a team of elite soldiers try to stop the imminent attack before it's too late.
Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is a retired American actor. His career began on the off-Broadway stage in ...
Adelaide Kane (she/her) (born 9 August 1990) is an Australian actress and model, who lives in Los Angeles, California.
Frank Anthony Grillo is an American actor known for his roles in films such as Warrior (2011), The Grey (2012), End o...
Lochlyn Munro is a Canadian actor. His most notable film roles include A Night at the Roxbury, Scary Movie, Freddy vs...
Costas Mandylor is a Greek Australian film and television actor, best known for his role as Officer Kenny Lacos in th...
Johnny Messner is an American film and television actor.
Perrey Reeves (born November 30, 1970) is an American film and television actress best known for her role on HBO's En...