Celebrity Mastermind is a British television quiz show broadcast by BBC television. The show is a spin-off of the long-running quiz show Mastermind, with the exception that all the contestants are celebrities. As with the main show, John Humphrys is the host and question-master. Magnus Magnusson was quizmaster on the 2003/04 episodes featuring Jonathan Meades as winner.
Actor, comedian and impressionist who was better known for his improvisation comedy.
See John Sessions's other roles →Seeta Indrani was born on April 20, 1963 and is currently 61 years old.
See Seeta Indrani's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Philip "Phil" Daniels (born 25 October 1958, Islington) is an English actor, ...
See Phil Daniels's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Peter Szymon Serafinowicz (born 10 July 1972) is an English actor, comedian, ...
See Peter Serafinowicz's other roles →David Harewood is an English actor, known for playing David Estes in Homeland and Hank Henshaw in Supergirl.
See David Harewood's other roles →Paul James O'Grady, MBE DL (14 June 1955 - 28 March 2023) was an English comedian, television presenter, actor, write...
See Paul O'Grady's other roles →Robert Webb was born on September 29, 1972 and is currently 51 years old.
See Robert Webb's other roles →Mick Hucknall was born on June 8, 1960 and is currently 64 years old.
See Mick Hucknall's other roles →Sonali Shah is a British newsreader who presented the BBC's children's news programme Newsround from July 2006 until ...
See Sonali Shah's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Omid Djalili (born 30 September 1965) is a British stand-up comedian, actor, t...
See Omid Djalili's other roles →