Cast of
Catch and Release

About Catch and Release

  • Released on August 27, 2006
  • Drama

Conflict develops when two old friends, who represent each other's path not taken, unexpectedly go fishing together.

Full Cast of Catch and Release

Drew Nelson
plays Scott Prosper

Drew Nelson as Scott Prosper

Drew Nelson was born on August 11, 1979 and is currently 44 years old.

See Drew Nelson's other roles

Matt Sadowski-Austin
plays Charlie Potter

Flash Rose
plays Rob Dial

Rhian Thomas
plays Young Scott

Josh O'Neil
plays Young Charlie

Rick Shuster
plays Helicopter Pilot

Rick Shuster as Helicopter Pilot

Rick Shuster is an actor, cameraman, stuntman and a helicopter pilot.

See Rick Shuster's other roles

Crew of Catch and Release

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