The Conjuring Collection is an esteemed assembly of supernatural horror films that not only provided a spine-tingling cinematic experience but also served as the genesis for an entire cinematic universe known as The Conjuring Universe. This collection delves deep into the lives and work of Ed and Lorraine Warren, internationally renowned paranormal investigators and authors, who have become synonymous with the most prominent cases of haunting and paranormal activities.
The first movie in this chilling collection is The Conjuring, released in 2013, which introduces us to the Warrens as they are drawn into investigating a series of eerie events in a Rhode Island farmhouse newly purchased by the Perron family. The Warrens' reputation and the authenticity of their experiences are further emphasized by the fact that their reports inspired the infamous Amityville Horror. Following the success of The Conjuring, the second installment -- The Conjuring 2 -- was released in 2016, continuing the gripping saga of Ed and Lorraine Warren.
In The Conjuring 2, the Warrens are once again drawn into a supernatural case, this time involving the Enfield Poltergeist in North London. The latest addition to the series, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, was recently released in 2021 and adds yet another terrifying chapter to the lives of the Warrens. In this installment, the paranormal investigators take on a chilling case involving demonic possession as a rare defense in court. The Conjuring: Last Rites, currently in development, is expected to maintain the suspenseful aura established by the previous movies in the collection, continuing to both enthrall and terrify its audience as they explore the paranormal world alongside Ed and Lorraine Warren.