The Tarzan (Animation) Collection is a treasure trove of animated cinematic delights, all centered around the iconic character of Tarzan, originally created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. This collection, produced by the renowned Disney studios, offers a fresh and captivating take on the classic tale of a man raised by apes in the heart of the African jungle.
The collection begins with the self-titled film, "Tarzan," which introduces viewers to the eponymous hero and his unique upbringing. This film masterfully combines breathtaking animation, a compelling narrative, and a score by Phil Collins to create a truly unforgettable viewing experience. "Tarzan" is not just a simple retelling of the original story, but an exploration of themes such as identity, belonging, and the true meaning of family.
Following the first film, the collection also includes "Tarzan & Jane" and "Tarzan II." "Tarzan & Jane" delves deeper into the relationship between Tarzan and his beloved Jane, exploring the challenges they face in their unconventional life together. On the other hand, "Tarzan II" is a prequel that sheds light on Tarzan's early years, his struggles to fit in, and his eventual acceptance of his unique identity. These films add depth and richness to the Tarzan narrative, making this collection a must-watch for both fans of the original story and newcomers to the world of Tarzan.