The "Police Academy Collection" is a treasure trove of American comedic cinema, comprising seven films that were predominantly produced during the vibrant decade of the 1980s. The collection culminates with the seventh installment, "Police Academy: Mission to Moscow," which was released in 1994. Interestingly, a new addition to this hilarious series is slated for production in 2014, promising more laughter and absurdity.
The inaugural film, aptly titled "Police Academy," sets the comedic tone for the entire series. The premise is as absurd as it is entertaining: a new mayor implements a policy that mandates the police department to welcome all willing recruits, regardless of their backgrounds or qualifications. The movie then proceeds to follow the escapades of a group of unconventional recruits who are determined to prove their mettle as police officers. The standout character of this motley crew is Carey Mahoney, portrayed by Steve Guttenberg, a recurrent offender who is compelled to enroll in the police academy as a form of punishment.
The subsequent films in the collection, namely "Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment," "Police Academy 3: Back in Training," "Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol," "Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach," and "Police Academy 6: City Under Siege," continue to chronicle the antics and adventures of these unlikely police officers. Each film presents a fresh and amusing challenge for the team to navigate, from dealing with a violent gang in the second installment to managing a riot in the sixth. Throughout these films, the theme of camaraderie and the pursuit of justice (albeit in a comical fashion) remain constant, making the "Police Academy Collection" a delightful exploration of comedy and the human spirit.