Cast of
Breakthrough at Reykjavik

About Breakthrough at Reykjavik

  • Released on December 06, 1987
  • Drama

Political drama about the Gorbachev-Reagan summit at Reykjavik

Full Cast of Breakthrough at Reykjavik

Timothy West
plays Mikhail Gorbachev

Shane Rimmer
plays George Schulz

Shane Rimmer as George Schulz

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Shane Rimmer was a Canadian actor, voice actor and screenwriter, known for pr...

See Shane Rimmer's other roles

Jerry Harte
plays Paul Nitze

Bruce Boa
plays Donald Regan

Don Fellows
plays Edward Rowny

Don Fellows as Edward Rowny

Don Fellows was an American actor known for his roles in British theater and television. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah...

See Don Fellows's other roles

John Quarmby
plays John Poindexter

Igor Gridneff
plays Viktor Karpov

Robert Beatty
plays Ronald Reagan

Anthony Bate
plays Edkuard Shevardnadze

Ted Maynard
plays Robert Linhard

Ron Berglas
plays Kenneth Adelman

Garrick Hagon
plays Richard Perle

Garrick Hagon as Richard Perle

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Garrick Hagon (born September 27, 1939) is an English film, stage and televisi...

See Garrick Hagon's other roles

John Kidd
plays Max Kampelman

Ralph Nossek
plays Sergei Akhromeyev

Eric Sampson
plays Fallin

Anthony Schaeffer
plays Russian Note-Taker

Crew of Breakthrough at Reykjavik

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