A drama based on the true story in which a black Vietnam-era veteran is allegedly murdered by a local white businessman who is later exonerated. The plot focuses on the role of a local high school teacher and the civil unrest that followed the acquittal.
Michael Rooker (born April 6, 1955) is an American actor known for his roles as Henry in Henry: Portrait of a Serial ...
See Michael Rooker's other roles →Omar Benson Miller was born on October 7, 1978 and is currently 45 years old.
See Omar Benson Miller's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gattlin Tadd Griffith (born November 13, 1998) is an American actor, best know...
See Gattlin Griffith's other roles →Ryunosuke Kamiki is a Japanese actor. He entered the industry in 1995 when he was only 2 years old. He made his drama...
See Ryunosuke Kamiki's other roles →