Set between the two World Wars and based on true historical events, Bitter Harvest conveys the untold story of the Holodomor, the genocidal famine engineered by the tyrant Joseph Stalin. The film displays a powerful tale of love, honour, rebellion and survival at a time when Ukraine was forced to adjust to the horrifying territorial ambitions of the burgeoning Soviet Union.
Barry Robert Pepper is a Canadian actor. He is best known for roles such as Private Daniel Jackson in Saving Private ...
Tamer Hassan (born 18 March 1968) is a British actor of Turkish Cypriot descent. Description above from the Wikipedi...
Aneurin Barnard (born 8 May 1987) is a Welsh television, stage and film actor. He is bilingual and has performed in b...
Richard Brake is a Welsh/American actor.
Richard Ashton was born on October 2, 1965 in Manchester, England, UK. He is an actor, known for The Fifth Element (1...