Bernard Bottle, a mild mannered art buyer, is fired by his greedy boss, abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle. The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side.
Sir Lenworth George Henry CBE, known as Lenny Henry, is an English stand-up comedian, actor, singer, writer and telev...
Andrée Bernard was born on November 29, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.
Trevor Laird (sometimes credited as Trevor H Laird) is a British actor best known for playing Ferdy in Quadrophenia.
Janet E. A. Henfrey (born 16 August 1935) is a British stage and television actress. She is best known for playing Mr...
Alan Cumming, OBE FRSE (born 27 January 1965) is a Scottish-American stage and screen actor, singer, comedian, direct...