Cast and Crew of Asylum

Cast of

About Asylum

  • Released on February 09, 2015
  • Comedy

Inspired by the true stories of whistle-blowers claiming asylum, Asylum is a satirical comedy about a government whistle-blower and a millionaire internet entrepreneur trapped together in the London embassy of a fictional Latin American country. Dan Hern is a serious, self-important egotist who is accused of leaking important documents. After a year in the El Rican embassy Dan is bored, depressed and has no hope of getting out - his only chance is to push his case in an interview with the Guardian. The embassy staff are struggling to attract people to the annual embassy ball, as Dan is old news and nobody wants to come. The Ambassador's oily son decides to offer sanctuary to another international fugitive named Ludo Backslash: a larger-than-life, childish hacker and internet pirate, who set up a file-sharing website and became public enemy number one among the global entertainment community.

Full Cast of Asylum

Yasmine Akram
plays Rosa

Yasmine Akram as Rosa

Yasmine Akram is an Irish-Pakistani stage and screen writer, actress and comedian. She graduated in Acting from the R...

See Yasmine Akram's other roles

Darrell D'Silva
plays Castillo

Darrell D'Silva as Castillo

Darrell Fitzgerald D'Silva (born 5 January 1964) is a British film and theatre actor, notable for his work with the R...

See Darrell D'Silva's other roles

Dustin Demri-Burns
plays Ludo Backslash

Dustin Demri-Burns as Ludo Backslash

Dustin Demri-Burns was born on July 11, 1978 and is currently 45 years old.

See Dustin Demri-Burns's other roles

Ben Miller
plays Daniel Hern

Ben Miller as Daniel Hern

Bennet Evan Miller (born 24 February 1966) is an English actor, comedian, and author. He rose to fame as one half of ...

See Ben Miller's other roles