Cast and Crew of As Green As It Gets

Cast of
As Green As It Gets

About As Green As It Gets

Georg "Schorsch" Kempter is a gardener in a small Bavarian town, working day-in, day-out in his nursery, which is facing bankruptcy. He doesn't like to talk much. He never has. His marriage has long lost all its magic and on top of that, he has trouble to connect with his daughter. Only when he is flying in his own rickety biplane, Schorsch feels truly free. When the owner of the local golf course tries to cheat Schorsch for his money, claiming the shade of green of the grass Schorsch has planted on the golf course is not right, insolvency seems unavoidable. So just when his airplane is about to be impounded, Schorsch grabs the control stick and flies away in an attempt to save his plane and himself. He embarks onto a journey into the unknown, to places he has never seen before, full of odd and special encounters - and with every take-off and every landing, this tough man's heart slowly warms up to what you might call an idea of happiness.

Full Cast of As Green As It Gets

Elmar Wepper
plays Schorsch Kempter

Emma Bading
plays Philomena

Monika Baumgartner
plays Monika Kempter

Dagmar Manzel
plays Hannah

Karolina Horster
plays Miriam Kempter

Ulrich Tukur
plays Richard von Zeydlitz

Sunnyi Melles
plays Evelyn von Zeydlitz

Sunnyi Melles as Evelyn von Zeydlitz

Sunnyi Melles (born 7 October 1958) is a Hungarian-Swiss actress. She is the daughter of Austrian orchestral conducto...

See Sunnyi Melles's other roles

Gudrun Ritter
plays Ellen von Zeydlitz

Michael Hanemann
plays Hans

Gilbert von Sohlern
plays Fimpel

Tatja Seibt
plays Katja

Mathias Herrmann
plays Käufer

Tilman Pörzgen
plays Timo

Crew of As Green As It Gets

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