"Are You The One" is a captivating television series that follows the enthralling lives of its two main characters, Cui Xingzhou and Liu Miantang, portrayed by the talented Zhang Wanyi and Wang Churan respectively. Liu Miantang, a strong-willed and decisive woman, holds the esteemed position of the first lord of Mount Yang. Her leadership is marked by her commitment to justice and her determination to vanquish evil while promoting goodness among her people.
However, her valiant efforts are met with severe consequences when she falls victim to the malicious attacks of various nefarious forces. Suffering grave injuries, Liu Miantang's fate takes a dramatic turn when she is rescued by Cui Xingzhou, the Prince of Huai Yang. Upon regaining consciousness, Liu Miantang finds herself in an unfamiliar predicament - she has lost all memories of her past life in Mount Yang, leading her to mistake Cui Xingzhou as her husband, Cui Jiu.
As the story unfolds, the two characters find themselves entangled in a web of lies and deceit, compelling them to confront the truth of their identities. Should their true selves be revealed, they must grapple with their feelings for each other while navigating through the challenges that come their way. The series promises to captivate audiences with its intricate plot twists, engaging characters, and a thought-provoking exploration of identity and love.
Actress and singer.