A comedy about the adventures of Archibald Strutter, a chicken who improvises his way through life but always finds his way home to his three siblings and trusty sidekick.
Adam Saul Pally is an American actor and comedian, most widely known for starring as Max Blum in the ABC comedy serie...
Jordan William Fisher (born April 24, 1994) is an American singer, dancer, and actor. His self-titled EP was released...
Chelsea Kane Staub (born September 15, 1988 ) is an American actress and singer professionally known as Chelsea Kane ...
Rosamund Mary Ellen Pike (born January 27, 1979) is a British actress. She has received various accolades, including...
Kari K. Wahlgren (born July 13, 1977) is an American voice actress who has provided English language voices for dozen...
Tony Hale (born September 30, 1970) is an American two time Emmy Award-winning film and television actor and author, ...