Cast and Crew of Alpha Squadron

Cast of
Alpha Squadron

About Alpha Squadron

A fighter pilot tries to keep his squad together.

Full Cast of Alpha Squadron

Jordan Carlos
plays Alpha 2 / Burp

Jordan Carlos as Alpha 2 / Burp

Jordan Carlos was born on February 2, 1978 and is currently 46 years old.

See Jordan Carlos's other roles

Sebastian Conelli
plays Omega Leader / Jordan

Will Dagger
plays Alpha 3 / Derek

Griffin Newman
plays Alpha Leader / Ethan

Sunita Mani
plays Alpha 4 / Chelsea

Sunita Mani as Alpha 4 / Chelsea

Sunita Mani is an actress, dancer, and comedian most commonly recognized for her gyrations in the viral music video "...

See Sunita Mani's other roles

Crew of Alpha Squadron

Discover the backstage crew of Alpha Squadron →