Cast and Crew of Across the River and Into the Trees

Cast of
Across the River and Into the Trees

About Across the River and Into the Trees

  • Released on October 11, 2023
  • Drama

In post WW2 Venice Italy, American Army Col. Richard Cantwell, haunted by the war, is a bona fide hero who faces news of his illness with stoic disregard. Determined to spend a weekend in quiet solitude, he commandeers a military driver to facilitate a visit to his old haunts in Venice. As Cantwell's plans begin to unravel, a chance encounter with a remarkable young woman begins to rekindle in him the hope of renewal.

Full Cast of Across the River and Into the Trees

Liev Schreiber
plays Colonel Richard Cantwell

Liev Schreiber as Colonel Richard Cantwell
Liev Schreiber delivers a commanding performance as Colonel Richard Cantwell in 'Across the River and Into the Trees'. Schreiber brings a depth of emotion and vulnerability to the character, skillfully navigating Cantwell's internal struggles and external conflicts. His portrayal is a testament to his acting prowess, as he convincingly embodies the war-weary colonel, adding layers of complexity and nuance to the role. Schreiber's performance is a standout, making Cantwell a memorable and compelling character in the film. See Liev Schreiber's other roles

Matilda De Angelis
plays Renata Contarini

Josh Hutcherson
plays Jackson

Josh Hutcherson as Jackson
In the movie 'Across the River and Into the Trees', Josh Hutcherson delivers a compelling performance as Jackson, a young soldier under the command of Colonel Richard Cantwell, played by Pierce Brosnan. Hutcherson's portrayal is marked by a sense of earnestness and loyalty, as he effectively conveys the character's respect and admiration for his superior officer. His interactions with Brosnan are particularly noteworthy, as they create a dynamic that is both engaging and emotionally resonant. Hutcherson's performance adds depth to the film, making Jackson a memorable character in this adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's novel. See Josh Hutcherson's other roles

Laura Morante
plays Contessa Contarini

Laura Morante as Contessa Contarini
Laura Morante delivers a captivating performance as Contessa Contarini in 'Across the River and Into the Trees'. Her portrayal of the enigmatic and alluring Contessa is both nuanced and sophisticated, effortlessly embodying the character's complexity and charm. Morante's on-screen presence is magnetic, and her ability to convey a wide range of emotions with subtlety and grace adds depth to her character. Her chemistry with co-star Liev Schreiber is palpable, making their scenes together a highlight of the film. Overall, Morante's performance is a standout in this romantic drama, showcasing her talent as a versatile and engaging actress. See Laura Morante's other roles

Danny Huston
plays Captain Wes O'Neil

Danny Huston as Captain Wes O'Neil
Danny Huston delivers a captivating performance as Captain Wes O'Neil in 'Across the River and Into the Trees'. Huston brings a sense of gravitas and vulnerability to the character, portraying a man haunted by his experiences in World War II. His interactions with other characters are nuanced and layered, revealing a complex man struggling with his past and his present. Huston's performance is a standout in the film, adding depth and emotion to the story. See Danny Huston's other roles

Javier Cámara

Javier Cámara
In the movie 'Across the River and Into the Trees', Javier Cámara delivers a captivating performance as the loyal and empathetic aide to Colonel Richard Cantwell, portrayed by Matt Dillon. Cámara's character serves as a steadfast companion to the colonel, providing emotional support and a grounding presence amidst the turmoil of the story. His nuanced portrayal of the aide's unwavering loyalty and genuine concern for Cantwell's well-being adds depth to the narrative, making the audience empathize with their unique bond. Cámara's performance is a testament to his acting prowess, as he masterfully balances the delicate line between subservience and genuine friendship, ultimately creating a character that is both endearing and memorable. See Javier Cámara's other roles

Giulio Berruti
plays Antonio

Enzo Cilenti
plays Gran Maestro

Enzo Cilenti as Gran Maestro

Enzo Cilenti is a British stage, film and television actor of Italian heritage. He holds a degree in French and Spani...

See Enzo Cilenti's other roles

Sabrina Impacciatore
plays Agostina

Alessandro Bressanello
plays Father Carmine

Alessandro Bressanello as Father Carmine

Alessandro Bressanello was born on November 18, 1948 and is currently 75 years old.

See Alessandro Bressanello's other roles

Crew of Across the River and Into the Trees

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