"A Man in Full" is a captivating drama that delves into the tumultuous world of Atlanta's real estate tycoons. The story revolves around Gerald, a powerful and wealthy businessman portrayed by L. Warren Young. Gerald's empire, once a symbol of his success and influence, begins to crumble under the weight of relentless foes and sudden bankruptcy. As he faces the daunting task of rebuilding his empire, Gerald must navigate through a labyrinth of challenges, both personal and professional.
The character of Gerald is complemented by the presence of Charlie Croker, a shrewd and cunning character played by Jeff Daniels. Charlie's role in the narrative adds a layer of complexity to the story, as he becomes an integral part of Gerald's journey back to the top. Their dynamic relationship, filled with tension and mutual respect, adds depth to the plot and keeps viewers engaged.
"A Man in Full" is more than just a tale of a businessman's struggle to regain his lost empire. It's a riveting exploration of power, resilience, and the human spirit. The characters, brought to life by the talented cast, are complex and multi-dimensional, making the audience empathize with their struggles and root for their success. This movie is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted drama filled with suspense, intrigue, and a touch of humanity.
Jeffrey Warren "Jeff" Daniels (born February 19, 1955) is an American actor, musician and playwright. He founded a no...
See Jeff Daniels's other roles →Diane Colleen Lane (born January 22, 1965) is an American actress and producer. Born and raised in New York City, Lan...
See Diane Lane's other roles →Tom Pelphrey is an American actor. Tom was born and raised in New Jersey. He grew up in the town of Howell and attend...
See Tom Pelphrey's other roles →William "Bill" Camp is an American actor. He is best known for playing Detective Dennis Box in the HBO limited televi...
See Bill Camp's other roles →Chanté Adams is an American actress. She starred in the 2017 biopic Roxanne Roxanne, for which she received the Sunda...
See Chanté Adams's other roles →William Jackson Harper (born William Fitzgerald Harper; February 8, 1980), is an American actor. He portrayed Chidi A...
See William Jackson Harper's other roles →Josh Pais (born June 21, 1964) is an American actor of film and television. He has appeared in many Hollywood films,...
See Josh Pais's other roles →Lucy Alexis Liu (born December 2, 1968) is an American actress. Her accolades include winning a Critics' Choice Telev...
See Lucy Liu's other roles →Jerrika Hinton was born on September 28, 1981 and is currently 42 years old.
See Jerrika Hinton's other roles →From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Christian Clemenson (born March 17, 1959) is an American film and television a...
See Christian Clemenson's other roles →An American actor known for portraying Hannibal Lecter's jail nemesis, Dr. Frederick Chilton in The Silence of the La...
See Anthony Heald's other roles →