Cast and Crew of Who Done It?

Cast of
Who Done It?

About Who Done It?

  • Released on March 20, 1956

This movie debut for saucy British TV comic Benny Hill has Benny leaving his job as a sweeper after winning some money. He becomes a private detective and investigates a plot to assassinate British scientists.

Full Cast of Who Done It?

Benny Hill
plays Hugo Dill

Belinda Lee
plays Frankie Mayne

David Kossoff
plays Zacco

Garry Marsh
plays Det. Inp. Hancock

Denis Shaw
plays Professor Stumpf

Ernest Thesiger
plays Sir Walter

George Margo
plays Barakov

Frederick Schiller
plays Gruber

Thorley Walters
plays Raymond Courtney

Stratford Johns
plays PC Coleman

Warwick Ashton
plays PC Roberts

Norah Blaney
plays The Actress

Charles Hawtrey
plays Disc Jockey

Nicholas Phipps
plays Scientist

Peter Bull
plays Scientist

Gibb McLaughlin
plays Scientist

Ernest Jay
plays Scientist

Harold Scott
plays Scientist

Terence Alexander
plays Radio Show Official (uncredited)

Irene Handl
plays Customer (uncredited)

Arthur Lowe
plays Shop demonstrator (uncredited)

Glyn Houston
plays Arresting Policeman (uncredited)

Jeremy Hawk
plays Himself

Crew of Who Done It?

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