White Lies

Vita lögner

"Vita lögner," also known as "White Lies," is a Swedish soap opera that captivated audiences during its run on TV3. The show revolves around the intricate social dynamics of hospital employees and their families in the fictional town of Strömsvik. With its blend of drama, romance, and interpersonal conflict, "Vita lögner" offers a compelling glimpse into the lives of those who navigate the highs and lows of both their personal and professional relationships within a healthcare setting.

This series marked a significant milestone for TV3, becoming their first major soap opera triumph after Kanal5's acquisition of "Vänner och fiender" in 1997. The popularity of "Vänner och fiender" demonstrated the potential for serial drama to capture viewers’ attention, prompting TV3 to develop "Vita lögner" to fill the competitive time slot. The show quickly gained traction, attracting a dedicated viewer base eager to follow the lives of its richly developed characters. Among the ensemble cast were notable Swedish actors, including Alexander Skarsgård, who portrayed Marcus Englund, and Henrik Schyffert, further enhancing the show's appeal.

Throughout its run, "Vita lögner" showcased an impressive array of talent, with guest appearances from many prominent figures in Swedish entertainment. The series also featured Charlotte Perrelli in a significant role as Milla Svensson from 1997 to 1998, leaving a memorable mark on the storyline. The combination of engaging plotlines and strong performances solidified "Vita lögner" as a beloved staple of Swedish television, demonstrating the enduring allure of soap operas in exploring the nuances of human relationships.

Full Cast of White Lies