Wendy and Me is an American sitcom that aired on ABC during the 1964–1965 television season, primarily sponsored by Consolidated Cigar's "El Producto". Principally starring George Burns and Connie Stevens, the series was Burns' first major work following the death of his wife and professional partner, Gracie Allen, who had died of a heart attack about a month prior to the debut of Wendy and Me.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Margaret Julia “Marlo” Thomas (born November 21, 1937) is an American actress...
An American actress and beauty icon, the statuesque Raquel Welch (September 5, 1940 – February 15, 2023) was one of t...
Vito Giusto Scozzari (January 26, 1918 – June 5, 1996), also known as Vito Scotti, was an American character actor wh...