Cast of
Vanessa in the Garden

About Vanessa in the Garden

  • Released on December 29, 1985
  • TV Movie

When a brilliant young artist's beloved wife dies in a carriage wreck, the grief-stricken husband is possessed with an incredible plan to bring her back through his art.

Full Cast of Vanessa in the Garden

Harvey Keitel
plays Byron Sullivan

Harvey Keitel as Byron Sullivan

Harvey Keitel (born May 13, 1939) is an American actor known for his portrayal of morally ambiguous and "tough guy" c...

See Harvey Keitel's other roles

Sondra Locke
plays Vanessa Sullivan

Beau Bridges
plays Theodore 'Teddy' Shearing

Beau Bridges as Theodore 'Teddy' Shearing

Lloyd Vernet "Beau" Bridges (born December 9, 1941) is an American actor and director. He is a three-time Emmy, two-t...

See Beau Bridges's other roles

Margaret Howell
plays Eve Shearing

Randy Oglesby
plays Dr. Edward Northrup

Jamie Rose
plays Mrs. Northrup

Milton Murrill
plays Waiter

John Forker
plays Passerby

Crew of Vanessa in the Garden

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